The Pitch Presentations Reflection

What main appeals did you use in your pitch? Why did you decide they would be the most effective?
In the pitch presentation, we used basic appeals, the first appeal used was the need to dominate as the company needs to be better than the other companies in order to work on the drone project and sell as many drones as possible. Moreover, in our presentation we also used the appeal to nature since playing with the drone is a family based activity that will bond and connect all members of the family together. We knew our target audience is families who are interested in electronic gadgets so appealing to nurture is important to us as the drone is family based and we’ll use the art of humor so that families can enjoy our ads and get a sense of happiness when they see our ads.
What were some specific persuasive techniques you used (include examples) why did you believe these would be effective? 
-Celebrity- because of affiliation and an ethos approach, using celebrities like Miely Cyrus to promote the advertisement would persuade families of the reliability and need to have the drone in order keep up with the new technologies. 

-Bandwagon- this would be effective to portray the product because when people see lots of people using that product they want to be part of it.

-Statistics (logos)- this would work effectively with university students and business people because they are highly educated. Therefore, they are more prone to be persuaded by something that appeals more to logic than emotion. 

How did an awareness of audience and context influence your overall approach to this activity? 
Being aware of the New Zealand demographics leads us to have to approach the different audiences with different approaches to satisfy the audience in that context. Although generalisations were still used to advertise, being aware of the context and audience meant that each ad campaign had to be carefully designed so that it could appeal to what is valued by that audience, and hence persuade them to make use of the drone. 

Explain the use of some of the images you included. Why did you feel they would be effective? 
In the presentation, we used images that were most likely to appeal to our audience but the images we used about the drone where not the final images that will be used in the overall ad. They where more like certain ideas that all together would create one final image that together will appeal to the audience. The images included families playing with the drone which will be effective to let other want to buy the product and investigate more into the product. All the images used are effective as they are used as a sketch or an evidence of the idea for the drone company to see what are the essential ideas of our abilities to create a strong ad at the end. 

Comment on the effectiveness of your presentation. How will this activity inform how you prepare for your FOA?
Personally, I think the presentation was effective because the different target audiences were clearly defined, and they each made their own clear, individual use of persuasive techniques and appealsNevertheless, I think I personally still need to clean up my presentation skills, specially because although I knew the content, I was largely improvising. This is because not only was I prioritising getting the message across, but also of doing so persuasively. This will come along with practice, which naturally, I will do lots of before presenting my actual FOA. The activity itself has just been a reality check of how much preparing I should be doing before actually standing up in front of the class and presenting. Nevertheless, from the activity I think I have a strong understanding of how advertisements are effective and how they manage to persuade their target audiences.


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