
Media messages are representations of the world. We depend on the media to understand our world and different cultures.

Media can also be quite knowledgeable however a resource that we can rely on to try to explain and understand societal values and cultures at different points in time. Looking at the evolution of advertising over the past century already says a big amount about the evolution of our values. Gender roles and stereotyping specifically was displayed in almost all advertising in the majority of the 20th century. Seeing how we portrayed women in 1930’s compared with how we portray women now in our advertising, gives us incredible knowledge in how our society values have evolved. Advertising also gives us insight to different cultures as different cultural values would be fully instilled in another country’s advertising that we would lack. An example of this would be Coca Cola advertisements and the differentiating values such as the ones in conservative countries vs. more liberal cultures. An advertisement for the same product which is the Coke drink, is advertised in a completely different way in Saudi Arabia, then in the USA. In the Saudi Arabia advertisement, it shows a father teaching his daughter how to drive in the desert with both of them fully clothed which was published just after women were legalized to drive. The advertisement in the USA however shows a man doing labor work, not fully clothed and the women relaxing in a park. The comparison of these two advertisements could help us to understand these cultures and what they value and this is what analyzing all advertisements can do for us. 


  1. I agree with your statements about how we can rely on media to try and explain societal values and cultures at different times. I also agree that they can be representations of the world, however I only agree with it to an extent as they can sometimes be deceiving and stereotypical and not accurately represent a certain group or culture. I think to make it better you could've add a for and against argument for it but overall I agree with most aspects of what you stated! Well done(:


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