
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Thief and the Dogs- Style Analysis

How, why, and to what effect does Mahfouz use stream-of-consciousness narration in the novel? the stream of consciousness narrative technique and how it is used to characterize Said Mahran specific elements of language and style and its effect Mahfouz’s context of production Mahfouz’s literary context Firstly,  it is important to know what the meaning of stream of consciousness narration means before connecting it to the novel by the author Mahfouz. Stream of consciousness narration is described as the flow of thoughts and emotions in the minds of the characters. The novel The Thief's and the Dogs, was the first arabic novel that was published using the stream of consciousness narration, hence, pioneered psychological realism in arabic fiction using this uniquely modernist narrative technique . In this novel Said Mahran, the main character, has many instances where the author uses stream of consciousness narration. The consciousness arises ...